Michiana Peace and Justice Coalition

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To subscribe replace "myid" with the email address you use and copy into your browser. "http://groups.google.com/group/mpjc/boxsubscribe?email=myid" - Then change the drop down list towards the right from "Don't send email updates" to "Every new message."

To unsubscribe:

  1. Sign in to Google Groups: Go to groups.google.com
  2. Click My Groups.
  3. Choose a group.
  4. In the right side, click Leave this group. To leave the group and stop getting emails, click Leave this group.

For more information on MPJC, please email mpjc@googlegroups.com

If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, please make your check out to
The Peace Education Fund of Indiana, Inc.,
and send it to Glenda Rae Hernandez, at
702 E. South St., South Bend, IN, 46601.


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