Minutes for MPJC Meeting of November 15, 2006


Present: Pam, Rey, Mark, Lee, Ellyn, Peter

Old business
    1.  Approval of Minutes for October 3: The minutes were approved as written.

    2. Progress Reports
        a. October 12 demonstration against Laura Bush: Pam, Ellyn, and Lois were there with some good signs. It was very cold and windy. Folks stayed for about an hour. Pam had a puppet of Chocola with a red hand. There was very good press coverage.

        b. MPJC statement on Lebanon/Gaza ( Lee, Caroline): We have not heard back from Neve (Caroline contacted him) or Sis (Lois contacted her) in answer to our outline of response to this situation. We asked them to suggest ways to resolve the conflict. When we get their responses, we will formulate a statement for comment on the list.

        c. CLAP project (Carol): Carol could not attend and we had no news on this project.

        d. Meeting with Donnelly (Caroline): Caroline did not receive an answer to her request for a meeting before the election. We decided to push for a meeting in December, preferably between the 7th and 15th. Peter will contact Mary Jo to find out how to set up such a meeting. we should review the questions for candidates from the website to see if these questions are still pertinent. We will meet for a strategy session before our meeting with Donnelly if we get one.

        e. St Marcellus Day (October 30) events: The whole series of events was very impressive. Steve Luecke told his story about becoming a CO at the Howard Park gathering. We had about 100 folks out at the vigil from 5-6 at the Federal Building. This was important since it was shortly before the election and at least one republican voter switched to voting for Donnelly as a result of our faithful vigils against the war (according to Pam). There was good coverage in the paper. Ellyn will write to Brenna and Liz and congratulate them on a fine event.

        f. IPJN report (Lee): Lee has been busy with school and election work and has not participated in the conference calls lately. there have been few of them since others around the state have also been immersed in election work.

    3. Treasurer's Report: We have $438.30 in the bank. we agreed to spend $50 to renew our www.michianapeace justice domain name.

New Business

    1. Planning for Fall Activities in post-election setting (Peter): The meeting with Donnelly is on top of our agenda. We also need to light a fire under Senator Bayh.  

    2. Saturday vigil participation (Rey): There was a confrontation with a passer-by last Saturday (November 11). We decided to print out our Nonviolent Discipline policy and give it to the Saturday vigil participants. The base for vigilers on Saturdays is too small. We decided to call Mary Jo and Dustin to see if they could start coming out again. There is a problem getting the signs from Monday to Saturday folks at times. Peter will make a second set of signs for Saturday use and ask Ted to be in charge of them. He will make a set of stands for them as well. We will bring up this topic at the next meeting again.

    3. Topic of the Month: Lee suggested we form a post election strategy for pulling the troops out of Iraq. We agreed that this is worth while since we will be asked what our proposal is. It is time to be constructive. Lee agreed to prepare a brief proposal on this topic for comments from the list.

    4. Other topics and issues: St. Vincent de Paul shop has a number of yellow T-shirts with Work for Peace on the front. Pam thought we should procure them and Ellyn will do so tomorrow. We could use them at a rally to identify our folks. The library had a photo contest again this year but the submission deadline has already passed.

    5. Next meeting: Shortly before our meeting with Donnelly and/or in mid-January. We will decide on a date after Lee's class schedule has been set. We will try to alternate meeting days of the week so Glenda Rae and Lee can attend every other meeting.