Present: Peter, Ellyn, Glenda Rae, Rey, Lois.
Old business
1. Approval of Minutes for April 29: The minutes were approved as corrected. We deleted "Young" in the last sentence of the added paragraph for the topic of the month.
2. Progress Reports:
a. Topic of the Month: We approved the revised document. Peter will put it up on the web.
b. Book of the Month report: No one was reading books that they wanted to share.
c. Immigration Coalition Report: There will be a meeting Wednesday, June 12, at 10am. Representatives from Sen. Braun will arrive at 10:30. The House has passed the Dream Act. We need to work on the Senate. Only one representative from each affiliate group can attend. Some of the other projects seem to be on hold. There is a small group tutoring a family of Guatemalans. The citizenship classes have started up again. This week is "Best Week Ever" including "West-side Wednesday." Faith in Indiana had a focus on immigration during the election, but seems to have moved on.
3. Treasurer's Report: $129.52 with $30 in petty cash.
New Business
1. What do we (can we) do next? We incorporated this topic into other discussion
2. Topic of the Month: See above.
3. Memorial Day Parade: Lois tried to get veterans to carry the Veterans for Peace banner in the parade, but was unsuccessful
4. Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance: We decided to have appropriate signs at the August 5 vigil. Lois is interested in having a presence at the August 2 11:45am First Friday at the Fountain celebration. Peter and Ellyn will be out of town but will get signs and props to Lois before they leave.
5. Other Topics and Issues: The celebration of the 9 year anniversary of the opening of the Civil Rights Heritage Center was well attended. Darryl was there but was noncommittal about coming back after his year in Iowa.
Lois' letter was published in the Tribune. Everyone was happy with it.
The CFED meeting on Homelessness in the community on May 30 at Our Lady of the Road was well attended. The attendees sat at assigned tables for discussion. There is no progress on the gateway center. The next session will be in August.
Juneteenth celebration is June 22-23 at LaSalle Park.
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6. Next meeting: Monday, July 15, at 2:30pm at Wanda's house. We will send the directions in the meeting announcement.