Minutes for MPJC Meeting of March 21, 2016

Present: Peter, Ellyn, Glenda Rae, Lois, Wanda, Galen

Old business

    1.  Approval of Minutes for January 25: The minutes were approved.

    2. Progress Reports

        a. Topic of the Month: Issues in Admitting Refugees into the U.S. - Rey did not attend. We will take up this topic at the next meeting.

        b. Tax Day Plans: GDAMS. Tax Day is Monday, April 18. We decided to dedicate the regular 4:30 Monday vigil to holding signs about taxes. We will also try to write a Voice of the People letter to the Tribune pointing out the exhorbitant sum dedicated to war. Lois suggested using the Vets for Peace and Iraq Vets against War websites for information. We will also put this information out on the list serve. Peter will see if any other organizations are doing actions around tax day to see if we can participate. April 5-18 are the Global Days of Action against Military Spending (GDAMS). We should mention this in our press release.

        c. Book of the Month report: No one had anything to report.

3. Treasurer's Report: $43.72 with a $5.11 in petty cash.

New Business

    1. What do we (can we) do next? We incorporated this topic into other discussion

    2. Topic of the Month: We decided to continue the topic: Issues in Admitting Refugees into the U.S. Rey will get us started.

    3. Elkhart Advocates for Peace and Justice School Project: We are on their email list. They would love to link up with us.

    4. Other Topics and Issues: The lady in charge of the Memorial Day Parade has contacted Lois about having a presence this year. She wondered if she could get some Iraq Vets for Peace to march in uniform and whether the parade would accept such an entry. She will pursue this.

The Vietnam War History Study Group is planning a program at the IUSB fireside grill in Admin Bldg on April 14. Watch the list serve for more information.

On Wednesday, April 13, the League of Women Voters will have a 5:30pm program on Gerrymandering at Wiecamp Hall at IUSB.

On April 8, Lunch with the League will sponsor a talk on Gerrymandering at the Chocolate Cafe. Talk starts at noon. Come early to buy lunch.

To send a message to the list, send it to mpjc@googlegroups.com. Peter updated the website about joining googlegroups.

    5. Next meeting: Monday, April 25th, at 2:30pm at Peter and Ellyn's.