Minutes for March 8, 2005 Meeting

Present: Zae, Lee, Ed C., Pam, Rey, Glenda Rae, Paul, Peter, Dustin, Mary Jo

Old Business

  1. The minutes for February 22 were approved as written. Several items from the minutes were added to the agenda.

  2. Progress Reports
  3. Procurement subcommittee report: Rey has the white magnetic ribbons for cars that say "Bring the Troops Home Now." We decided to sell them for $4 apiece or 3 for $10. They will be available for the rally on the 20th and also at the vigils. We thought that Ellyn would want to be repaid for the $100 cost of the ribbons.

    Glenda Rae reported that we have $188.89 in the bank and $34.85 in cash. There were only two responses from Zae's eloquent appeal for donations on the list serv although these were very generous and more than doubled our bank account. Zae may try to shame more people into supporting us.

New Business

  1. Listserv Etiquette: Peter passed out copies of our "Zero Tolerance for Flaming" Policy. This was approved about four years ago. We decided not to promulgate it again, since we want to encourage discussion, particularly with our topic of the month program. The jist of the policy is to state strong critical opinions about issues, but do not state critical opinions about individuals.

  2. Next Quarter Student Group gathering: Zae will see if the Saint Mary's student group wants to host the next gathering in mid April. It should be billed as a student action day and focused around organizing for some action. Washington High School has an anti-violence group and may be interested in participating.

  3. Other topics and Issues
  4. Next Meeting. We will meet at 1036 N. Niles on Tuesday, March 29th. It will be announced via the List Serv and at the weekly vigil.