Present: Mary Jo, Carol, Pam, Ron, Zae, Lois, Joe, Kay, Glenda Rae, Caroline, Ellyn, Peter
Old Business
1. Approval of Minutes: The minutes for the January 29th meeting were approved.
2. Progress Reports
On Thursday, February 23, the unions are planning an informational picket before Bush is scheduled to arrive. We decided to coordinate our demonstration with their picket and schedule it from 10-12. They are working behind the scenes to find an approved location for the protest and we were advised not to contact the police directly as yet. Concern about parking and access to the demonstration location was raised. We just don't know enough yet to assess this problem. There will be a sign-making gathering sponsored by the unions in the near future and notification will be sent to the listserv. Some of the suggested slogans were "Out Now," "Impeach," "Blood Money," "Bring the Troops Home Now," "How Many More," and "Command an Immediate Withdrawal." We still want to get out the word as widely as possible for the February 23rd demonstration so everyone who agreed to contact groups at the last meeting should follow up. (Gary/Chicago (Lee), CPNV (Ellyn), CPT (Peter), Elkhart and Goshen peace groups (Peter), NAACP (Ellyn), IMA/URC/Muslim women's group (Lois), Students at ND and SMC (Carol), Catholic Church bulletins (Carol)). We did not discuss forming a peacekeepers unit. Brenna is contacting the Michigan Peace Team out of Lansing to see if they will send down a contingent for this purpose. We did decide to organize a cell phone network, at least two layers deep. There will be one phone at the top that the police will contact and a group of a half dozen or so phones that the top phone person can contact and that everyone with a cell phone will have access to, so we can be ready in case the secret service moves the first amendment free zone at the last minute.
Notre Dame students have scheduled a Peace Week from February 20-24. On
the 20th and 21st they will set out 300 pairs of boots, part of the Quaker
witness, on the South Quad. These boots represent the National Guardsmen
who have been killed in Iraq. All are invited to walk by and observe this
tribute. There will be a panel on Wednesday evening about the effects of
the war. The speakers have not yet been selected, but it will be open to
the public. On Thursday, the students will join the demonstration near Bethel.
Mary Jo was fairly certain that the unions could help provide transportation
for the students to the demonstration site. Joe will try to get a count
on Wednesday, January 22, of those who need rides on Thursday.
3. Treasurer's Report: We have $261.93 in the bank and no outstanding debt.
New Business